ArtWay Newsletter December 2010
As Christmas is drawing near, we look back on the first half-year of ArtWay. We tentatively went online at Pentecost; now we straighten our backs with a fair amount of pride and look up in amazement and gratitude.
We have received many positive reactions. The website seems to fill a real gap. In the month of November alone nearly 6000 people visited our site. Every day new subscriptions to our visual meditations come in, from all corners of the world. We are pleasantly surprised that there are also many subscribers from Catholic countries and backgrounds. It is gratifying that we are able to serve Christians of a broad spectrum of belief.
We are pleased with many requests for advice: for images for covers of books and journals, for artists to be included in an exhibition and in a book in the Netherlands, for materials about certain subjects, etc. Contacts and collaboration with other organizations are also materializing. In the Netherlands we are taking part in consultations on how to set up a new broad organization for church and art.
Contacts with organizations and artists in European countries are also developing. An important part of our vision has been to put the many Christian artists in Europe who are frequently hidden from view on the map (so to speak). Next year we hope to be able to get to work on this even more. So much is happening. We still only see the tip of the iceberg.
We are delighted that L’Abrarte in Brazil intends to put our meditations on their website in Portuguese.
Meanwhile, Cisca Ireland-Verwoerd has joined the editorial team, helping us especially with the constant stream of translations, while Laurel Gasque continues her work as Associate Editor. Reinier Sonneveld, a young Dutch writer, joined the board. Wim Eilander deserves a special word of thanks, as he has made our beautiful website for us and is still busy perfecting it further.
This brings me to more mundane matters of money. We all work as volunteers, and we do not seek any profit. All our services are offered without charge. However, it is a many hours consuming enterprise to run a bilingual website and develop it further, and we do have expenses. We will not bother you with this more than once a year, but we would like to make a request for your support. If you value what we are attempting to do, please consider a donation at this time.
You can give a donation online here
If you donate € 50,- ($ or £) or more, we would like to give you a CD-Rom with the Complete Works of H.R. Rookmaaker in return or a small painting by Belgian artistGian Merlevede (abstract works with beautiful shapes and colours). Let us know your preference with your payment. This offer stands as long as the stocks last.
Finally, keep your eyes open, keep the faith, and keep on giving us feedback and tips. And spread the word about ArtWay!
We wish you a joyful Christmas and an inspired 2011,
Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker
on behalf of the ArtWay team
The image is of the work entitled Christmas by Belgian artist Koen Lemmens.