Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker launched artway.eu some 14 years ago. It has gone on to become a jewel in the crown of work on Christianity and the arts. The Kirby Laing Centre has now been offered the wonderful opportunity – and agreed – to take over the English side of ArtWay and to lead it into the future. We see this as a privilege, a responsibility, and a great opportunity.
KLC has raised money towards this, initiated the construction of a new website, and appointed Otto Bam, based in Edinburgh, as our Arts Project Manager.

Our funding includes a major conference in the first half of 2024, at which the English edition of a volume edited by Marleen and Roger Henderson on neo-Calvinism and the arts (IVP Academic, 2024) will be launched. Details will be announced on KLC’s website, kirbylaingcentre.co.uk.
Under Otto’s leadership we have ambitious plans for ArtWay:
- A new up to date website in place by early 2024
- A major conference in 2024
- Development of our KLC Arts Hub which is already operational
- Cross-fertilisation of ArtWay with our magazine The Big Picture
- Continuation of two art meditations per month
We have other hopes and dreams but the above are realisable goals that we are committed to.
We have all benefitted from Marleen and her co-workers’ labours over the past 14 years. As we move into this exciting new phase we are inviting you to join us through your prayers, support, and through donating towards the work. To fulfil the potential of this project we need additional funds and KLC is also keen to support Otto as he spends 3 years doing his PhD in the UK. Otto’s research is in the field of Literature and Theology, investigating the role of the body in the imagination, and how the arts represent a place where reason and imagination become manifest in a distinctly embodied way.
To donate see https://kirbylaingcentre.co.uk/donate/.
Americans can donate through TrustBridge and receive a charitable receipt.
To restrict your donation to KLCs Arts project please indicate that when you donate and/or let our Executive Assistant Charlotte Sindle know (charlotte@kirbylaingcentre.co.uk).
For further information contact otto@kirbylaingcentre.co.uk.
Wishing you every blessing,
Craig Bartholomew (Rev Dr)
Director KLC