ArtWay has Special Plans for 2019!
After London, Washington D.C. and New York the city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands is now the anticipated location for a prominent art exhibition with the title Art Stations of the Cross. Visitors walking (or biking!) through the city center can observe 15 contemporary stations, where international contemporary artists have connected the suffering of Jesus to forms of suffering and injustice in the present and Amsterdam’s past.

Station 2 by Roland G. Biermann
ArtWay has taken the initiative to bring the Art Stations of the Cross to Amsterdam. The aim of our foundation is to stimulate awareness of the relationship between the Christian faith and (contemporary) art and culture. Art Stations of the Cross is a superior opportunity to make a distinctive contribution in the largest city of the Netherlands. It also offers the opportunity to make the work of ArtWay known to a broader public.
This exhibition will take place – provided the finances will be available – during Lent 2019. Lectures, services and an educational program will be linked to it. Our Chief Editor, Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker, together with Aniko Ouweneel, Klaas Holwerda, Lieke Wijnia, Malou Lintmeijer and the firm “Hoe Dan Wel” will be organising the project.
It is a very extensive and ambitious project for our small foundation, because until now ArtWay’s main focus has been our online platform. Art Stations of the Cross is now in the fundraising phase and the initial signs bode well. We are confident that we will find donors who are prepared to finance and realise this special art project.
If you support us with a donation, we will consider that as an encouragement for Art Stations of the Cross and as proof of your appreciation for our website and the visual meditations that appear every week in your mailbox.
Here are some of the things we did in 2018:
We have published weekly visual meditations in Dutch and English for more than 4300 subscribers
We have kept an agenda up to date with exhibitions and events worldwide and added news items to our meditations
A website similar to ArtWay has been launched in Brazil as Culturae Compendium
We have provided illustrations for two books about contemporary art and faith
The Christian College in Ede has started offering an art minor, for which ArtWay provides the expertise
We have given advice to various churches about art in the church
We are planning to organize a prize to encourage young Dutch Christian artists
We are planning to update the look and construction of our website
ArtWay is for 100% run by volunteers. For the expenses we depend on donations. That’s why we call upon your generosity: your gift can be remitted online. Go here to give a donation (go to the bottom of the page).
When you prefer to send us a cheque, here are our account details: Account holder: Stichting ArtWay, Sloetmarke 33, Zwolle. IBAN: NL25INGB0003847269; BIC (also known as Swiftcode): INGBNL2A.
In Canada Canadian citizens and residents can claim a tax credit by giving through MSC Canada, specifying that your gift is ‘to support the work of the Lord under the direction of Laurel Gasque, Associate Editor of’ The mailing address is: MSC Canada, 101Amber Street, Unit 16, Markham, Ontario L3R 3B2, CANADA. To donate by credit card please visit MSC and type in the name Laurel Gasque and then follow through with your donation. For three ways to give to Laurel Gasque see MSC:
We are grateful that we as ArtWay can inspire, encourage and enthuse people for art with an extra faith dimension.
Our sincere thanks for your support. From us, the ArtWay team, we wish you blessings and artistic joy in 2019.

With friendly greetings,
On behalf of the ArtWay Board,
Wim Eikelboom