Dear ArtWay friend,
This window in the Johanneskirche in Bern by the Swiss 20th-century artist Max Hunziker (1901-1976) tells in its own original way about the time of Advent with its festive lights that drive away the dark and its joy about the coming of the Christ Child.
For ArtWay 2019 was an especially rich, hence busy year – busier than ever before. I am glad that even though my eyes quickly grow tired, I was able to manage it all. The first months of the year (and a good part of 2018) were devoted to Art Stations of the Cross, the meditative journey along 15 stations, locations and contemporary artworks that we launched in Amsterdam during Lent.
Judging by the feedback we received, it was a great success. Many people walked the route through Amsterdam’s city center – some places were really busy – and felt challenged, silenced or moved. As ArtWay we were glad about the art we could present, by Dutch and international artists of Christian faith (the majority) and partly by likeminded artists of other backgrounds.
We had a strong team and cooperated with a diverse range of art organizations, museums, aid projects and churches, which justifies the term ‘unique’, especially as everybody was positive in the end.
After the Art Stations of the Cross exhibition I needed to recover, And, how can this be done better than by moving to a new house? Well, at least it was a different type of work! In May my husband and I moved to Langbroek, which is close to Utrecht where our three children and grandchild live.
Soon a new project needed my attention: the completion of a book about Calvinism, neo-Calvinism and art. It will first be published in Dutch, but later next year Dordt College Press will also publish it in English. As yet there is no fixed title for the English edition of this volume of essays on the Calvinist and neo-Calvinist tradition in art history, aesthetics and theology, with Roger Henderson and I acting as editors.
To me this book is a real milestone. The book provides insight into what Calvinist and neo-Calvinist ideas have meant for art in practice and theory, in the past and the present, in the Netherlands but also in different parts of the world. Neo-Calvinism, which originated in the Netherlands with Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920), was developed further in the Netherlands but also in Canada, the USA, South Africa, South Korea and Brazil. We want to make this thinking available to the present generations of art lovers. The book will also go into the actual art that was and is made in this tradition and will be richly illustrated in colour.
ArtWay is 100% a work of love. Hence we ask you for your support! Next year we hope to renew our website. It is the very basis of our mission to open eyes, ears and minds to art and faith. On the website we welcome an average of 1000 visitors daily, with peaks of 1500. Statistics also show that discussions of old artworks – with Rembrandt, Michelangelo and Van Gogh at the top – are especially loved. But also the Word and Image Bible Studies and materials for churches are visited remarkably often.
You can give to ArtWay via the Paypal button on the website, click here and go to the bottom of the page.
For those in North America who wish to make a tax-deductible contribution:
In the United States, contributions should be made out to CMML and mailed to:
Christian Missions in Many Lands
PO Box 13
Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Please include a separate note, clearly marked ‘for Laurel Gasque, via MSC Canada’.
If you are donating online, go to https://www.cmml.us/donate and direct the funds to MSC Canada and then indicate Laurel Gasque’s name when you come to a place where you can send a message to CMML/or maybe it says ‘vendor’.
In Canada: contributions should be made out to:
MSC Canada
101 Amber St., Ste 16
Markham, ON L3R 3B2
Clearly marked: ‘for the work Laurel Gasque for ArtWay’.
To donate online go to https://msccanada.org/give-now/ and follow instructions, again marking the gift ‘for Laurel Gasque’.
We are thankful that we at ArtWay may inspire, encourage and enthuse people about art with additional perspectives that render fresh understanding to a wide range of art, old and contemporary, from all regions of the world.
Thank you so much for your support. The ArtWay team wishes you a rich and abundant 2020.
On behalf of the ArtWay team and board,
Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker
ArtWay Editor-in-chief