About the future of ArtWay
Dear friends and subscribers of ArtWay,
For twelve years we published a visual meditation each week, without interruption, and in two languages. Weekly 5000 subscribers received a faith-filled reflection on an artwork. They live in all parts of the world. Moreover, ArtWay’s website offers a rich reservoir of information and reflection on art and faith with more than 5000 entries.
After more than a non-stop decade of editing ArtWay, Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker feels she should slow down and would like to phase out her participation in the day to day oversight of the ArtWay website over the course of the coming new year.
Ideally she would like to pass on the torch to someone who would be willing to tend to the English weekly meditation plus international news items and other sections on our web platform. In the interim weekly visual meditations in the new year will alternate with previous published ones.
It should be noted that ArtWay is an organization of volunteers and has been supported through voluntary charitable giving. It could not have survived without so much goodwill and generosity!
We are thankful for all who support our work. Art needs no justification, yet in the world of large numbers art is often sidelined for the qualitative contribution it has to offer.
Your contribution is most welcome. We will use it wisely for the unfolding of ArtWay’s future. See below the details of how you can contribute.
The Artway team wishes you a blessed Christmas and abundant 2022!
May you wish to do so, you can give to ArtWay via the Paypal button on the website, click here and go to the bottom of the page.
For those in North America who wish to make a tax-deductible contribution:
*** In the United States contributions should be made out to CMML and mailed to:
Christian Missions in Many Lands
PO Box 13
Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Please include a separate note, clearly marked ‘for Laurel Gasque, via MSC Canada’.
If you are donating online, go to https://www.cmml.us/donate and direct the funds to MSC Canada and then indicate Laurel Gasque’s name when you come to a place where you can send a message to CMML/or maybe it says ‘vendor’.
*** In Canada: contributions should be made out to:
MSC Canada
101 Amber St., Ste 16
Markham, ON L3R 3B2
Clearly marked: ‘for the work Laurel Gasque for ArtWay’.
To donate online go to https://msccanada.org/give-now/ and follow instructions, again marking the gift ‘for Laurel Gasque’.
Artwork at the top: Eric Gill: Adeste Fideles, 1916.