David Hatton & Angelo da Fonseca
David L. Hatton (poem) and Angelo da Fonseca (painting)
The hair of God is never gray
But always white as snow.
Forever it has been that way—
It doesn’t change or grow.
At least, in visions this is how
I AM indwells eternal Now.
“But why not blond or brown or red
Of everlasting youth?”
In white all other colors wed
And demonstrate the truth
That lesser beauties blessing sight
Are prismed from His Triune Light.
There is no gray in God Divine:
Of shadow, not a hint.
His very Being draws the line,
Precise and permanent,
To heal our nature’s shaded night
By separating dark from bright.
His spoken Word in dazzling beams
Undims the human heart
Or drives the blind to mental schemes
For tearing it apart.
No grayness in our choices stand
Before the glow of Heaven’s Hand.
Pure whiteness crowning Deity
Is holiness displayed.
All calls for human piety
Authentically are made
Straight from the shining Self of One
Whose Light took flesh in Christ, His Son.
— David L. Hatton, 1/11/ 2014
© by David L. Hatton
David L. Hatton is a Wesleyan pastor, a registered nurse and a perpetual student of art. His work of helping mothers deliver and breastfeed babies brought him to conclusions identical to those of Edward Knippers before ever seeing his artwork.
Angelo da Fonseca (1902-1967) is one of the best known Christian painters of India.
‘We, who have embraced Christianity for centuries, have given up our painting, music and architecture. Having labelled them ‘paganism’, we have turned to the products of Europe. I hope in future we shall learn to treasure what is our birth-right and receive it in our churches and homes.’ In: Son of Man. Pictures and Carvings by Indian, African and Chinese Artists, The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel – Westminster, 1939.
For more about Angelo da Fonseca, click here.
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