
Quality is the first norm for art, but its final norm is love and truth, the enriching of human life, the deepening of our vision.

Visual meditations

Franz Marc: Fate of the Animals

The German painter Franz Marc wrote in 1912 that 'there is no true art without religion. Science and technology cannot replace this. New symbols will emerge to connect God and art.'

read more Franz Marc: Fate of the Animals


Thomas, Hannah Rose. 2018. 'Aisha'


“The invisible light that radiates from the other”

Jonathan Evens interviews Hannah Rose Thomas

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Current exhibitions, 

symposia and lectures, 

podcasts, videos, books, 

ArtWay news and more

read more Paula Modersohn Becker

Art and Music

Peter S. Smith and Duke Special

I am black and white
I am color
I am risk
I am mother
I am holy
I’m disaster

read morePeter S. Smith: Some One Else detail

Art and Poetry

Ernst Barlach: The Reunion of Christ and Thomas, detail

Denise Levertov & Ernst Barlach

People so tuned
can't open to symbol's power
unless convinced of its ground,
its roots in bone and blood.
We must feel the pulse in the wound to believe that 'with God all things are possible.'

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Christian calendar

Year B, Proper 18 (Revised Common Lectionary)

Julia Stankova: Healing of the Deaf and Dumb Man
This story is told only in Mark’s Gospel. It is a little resurrection story.

read more Julia Stankova: Healing of the Deaf and Dumb Man, 2017