Sarai Aser: Virginity

A New Beginning

‘Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel’, which means, ‘God is with us.’ Matthew 1:23

The Son of God was conceived by di­vine intervention, being of absolute celestial purity. He was the young green shoot that sprung from the tree of Jesse.

The colour red symbolizes the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, poured for us at Calvary. Red is also a symbol of the eternal love and passion of God, who loved the world so much that he gave his only son to save us – freely offering eternal life to us and reconciling us with our Creator. We see his son in the vague red figure behind the green stalk.

This green colour at the centre of the work refers to a new beginning, rebirth, the new hopes and opportu­nities which God offers us through his beloved son Jesus Christ, so that we too may increasingly gain that same celestial purity that was the very being of that little baby in the manger.


Sarai Aser: Virginity, digital print on canvas, 120 x 80 cm, 2010.

Sarai Aser was born in Chile. She is now living in The Netherlands, working fulltime as a photographer. For more information on her work see (the website of the Euro Latin Photographers Foundation which was started by Sarai).

ArtWay Visual Meditation December 11, 2011