
Quality is the first norm for art, but its final norm is love and truth, the enriching of human life, the deepening of our vision.

Art and the Church -> Materials for Use in Churches

Materials for Use in Churches - New Testament

John, the Gospel of - Solomon Raj
Luke 1, Birth of John the Baptist - Murillo
John the Baptist - Geertgen tot Sint Jans
Mary, Magnificat - Timur Poerwowidagdo
Luke 1:39-45 - The Visitation Pontormo and Viola
Christ, Childhood - Gerard van Honthorst
Luke 2:41-52 - Young Jesus in temple by W.H. Hunt
Baptism of Jesus - Mari­a Inés Aguirre (MIA)
Matthew 4, Christ Tempted - Bible of the Poor
Temptation of Jesus - Gustave van de Woestijne
Matthew 6, Consider the Birds - Teresa Carter
Matthew 8 - Rembrandt: Christ in the Storm
Matthew 9, Calling of Matthew - Caravaggio
John 3:1-16 - Tanner: Jesus and Nicodemus
John 4 - Jacek Malcezewski: The Samaritan Woman
John 4, The Samaritan Woman - Alexandre Lettnin
Mark 2:1-12 - Paralysed man by Egbert Modderman
Mark 4 - Rembrandt: Christ in the Storm
Mark 4:1-9 - Gideon Nel: The Sower
Jesus Calms Storm - Evangelicae Historiae Imagines
Mark 4, Boat in the Storm - Sadao Watanabe
Luke 5 - Rubens: The Miraculous Draught of Fishes
Luke 6 - Parable about speck and log, Dutch tile
Marcus 8:22-26 - Andrei Mironov: Healing blind man
Mark 8:1-26 - Arcabas Man born blind
The Sower - Vincent van Gogh
Luke 8 - Rembrandt: Christ in the Storm
Mark 9:14-29 - John Reilly Healing Lunatic Boy
Luke 10 - Bob Booth: The Good Samaritan
Luke 10, The Good Samaritan - Karin Kraus
The Prodigal Son - Max Beckmann
Prodigal - by Michael R Carter
The Prodigal Son - by Egbert Modderman
The Prodigal Son - Margaret Adams Parker
Luke 19:14, Jesus weeps - Franz Gutmann
Christ and the Adulteress - Cranach the Younger
Mark 9, The Transfiguration - Jan Verdonk
Mark 10, Bartimaeus - Kees de Kort
​Mark 10:46-52 - The Greatest Commandment
Mark 15: 39 - Tim Harrold
Mustard Seed - Imre Szakács
Matthew 14:23, Jesus on the mountain, James Tissot
Matthew 25 - The Seven Works of Mercy
Matthew 25:40 - John Petts The Wales Window
Jesus Blesses the Children - Cranach the Younger
John 6:1-21 - John Piper The Feeding of the 5000
John 8:31-36 - Doug Jaques
John 8, Woman Taken in Adultery - by Hicks-Jenkins
John 9, Healing of Blind Man - Gijs Frieling
John 10, The Good Shepherd - Late Classical
John 11, The Raising of Lazarus - Roger Wagner
John 12:23 Unless a seed dies - Henri Lindegaard
John 15:1 - I am the True Vine
Luke 21:25-36 - The Return of the Lord
Mary Magdalene - El Greco
Jesus as the new David - Cassiodorus
Stephen - The Stoning of Stephen by Ed Knippers
Acts 9, The Conversion of Paul - Caravaggio
Acts 21 - Jan Brueghel: Paul Departs from Caeserea
2 Corinthians 4:7 - Treasure in Clay Jars
Colossians 1:15-17 - Andrew Vessey
Colossians 1:16b-17 - All Things by Doreen Kellogg
Hebrews 11:1 - Hope by G.F. Watts
Revelation, Apocalypse - Marc Mulders
Revelation, The Last Judgement - John Martin
Revelation, The Last Judgement - Torcello
Revelation, The Last Judgement - Anthony Caro
Revelation - Tapestry of Light - Irene Barberis
Revelation - François Peltier: The Apocalypse
Revelation 12, Woman Clothed with Sun - N. Gangi
Revelation 12, Sign in the Heavens - M. Streefland
Revelation 14, The Harvest - Beatus Facundus
Revelation 21, The New Jerusalem - Tanja Butler
Revelation 21, The New Jerusalem - Beatus Facundus