
Quality is the first norm for art, but its final norm is love and truth, the enriching of human life, the deepening of our vision.

Art and the Church -> Materials for Use in Churches

Materials for Use in Churches - Old Testament

Creation - Aaron Douglas
Creation - Word by Maciej Hoffman
Genesis 1 - Paradise by Sawai Chinnawong
Genesis 1 - Life Source One by Carmen M. Titus
Eve - Disrobed by Jan Pieter Gootjes
Eve leaves the Sugar Paradise - Marjan Beuker
Adam and Eve - Lost Paradise by Emil Nolde
The Tower of Babel - Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Noah - The San in Botswana
The Rainbow - by Adrie Bos
Abraham - Living as a Pilgrim by Qais Al Sindy
Abraham and the Promise - Renata Fuciková
Abraham, Offering of Isaac - John Walford
Abraham, Offering of Isaac - Steven Branhoorn
Jacob Fight with Angel - Arthur Sussman
Jacob Fight with Angel - Friso ten Holt
Jacob, wrestling with angel - Henk Krijger
Jacob Blesses his Sons (Gen. 49) - F. de Zurbarán
Potiphars Wife - Pieter Coecke van Aelst
Moses and the Burning Bush - Arnulf Rainer
Exodus 3 - Christen Mattix: The Tree with Lights
Moses and the Burning Bush - David Robinson
Exodus 3 - Colin McCahon: I AM
Exodus 15 - Miriam by Silvia Dimitrova
The Ten Commandments - Liviu Mocan
Moses and his Nubian Wife - Jacob Jordaens
Exodus 31 - Marc Chagall: Bezalel
Leviticus 16, Either/Or - Mark Sprinkle
Deut. 11:14 - Rain on your land in its season
Joshua 2 - Rahab by Ned Bustard
Joshua 6 - Wailing Wall by Steve Prince
Ruth and Boaz - Karin Kraus
David - Gianlorenzo Bernini
David - Rouault: The Old King
David as type of the Messiah - Cassiodorus
Job and his Friends - A.W. den Beer Portugael
Job - Karl Zerbe
Job 38 - William Blake
Psalm 2 - Nicora Gangi: Kiss the Son
Psalm 13 - Nicora Gangi and Jonathon Roberts
Psalm 51 - Georges Rouault
Psalm 56 - Tear Bottles by Deborah Tompsett
Psalm 126 - Doug Jaques
Psalm 139 - Lika Tov
Ecclesiastes, Melancholia - Albrecht Dürer
Proverbs 5 - White Shirt by Edward Knippers
Song of Songs - Jaume Plensa
Isaiah 2, swords into plowshares - E. Augsburger
Isaiah 11 - The Peaceable Kingdom by Edward Hicks
Jeremiah - Rembrandt: Jeremiah laments Jerusalem
Lamentations - Lamentations by Albert Soltanov
Ezekiel, Vision of God - Raphael
Daniel and the Fiery Furnace - Priscilla Catacomb
Daniel in the Lions Den - Henry Ossawa Tanner
Daniel 5 - Rembrandt: Belshazzars Feast
Jonah and the Whale - Nic Jonk
Jonah - The Jonah marbles, third century