
Quality is the first norm for art, but its final norm is love and truth, the enriching of human life, the deepening of our vision.

Christianity and Art



Andreas Felger Kulturstiftung, Berlin. The website presents the work of Andreas Felger and informs about his books and expositions. Moreover, the foundation wants to promote contemporary art dealing with serious questions in a similar spirit as Andreas Felger. Offers an art price. (D)
Artheon, Frankfurt/M. International and ecumenical society for contemporary art and the church. Artheon wants to enhance the practice and theory of contemporary art in Lutheran churches and stimulates dialogue between artists, curators, philosophers, theologians and building committees. Artheon organises lectures, conferences and exhibitions. (D)
Bildimpuls, Patrik Scherrer, München.Contemporary visual impulses for the Christian faith.Many artworks have the power to get under our skin and to move us. Every two weeks Bildimpuls discusses one of such artworks, mostly stemming from the past five years. Together they form a valuable archive. On the website a list of current exhibitions, a bibliography and links to organisations and museums in the German speaking world. (D) 
DG Deutsche Gesellschaft für christliche Kunst, München. Aims to encourage contemporary art. Founded in 1893 as a Catholic organisation, now ecumenical. Wants to be a forum for the dialogue between church and art, for creative discussion between artists, theologians, philosophers and art lovers. Exhibitions are organised in the gallery of the DG. (D) 
Gemeinschaft christlicher Künstler Erzdiözese Freiburg. Brings together visual artists and architects in the archdiocese Freiburg to work towards a renewal of religious art. Meetings, lectures, exhibitions, publications. (D) 
Kirchlichen Kunstdienst, Königstraße 54,Hamburg. An ecumenical resource centre for Christian art, which has a library (Nordelbischen Kirchenbibliothek) with 7000 books about Christian art in all centuries, a collection of 5000 20th-century graphic works that can be hired for exhibitions, and 30.000 slides about art and architecture. Organises lectures, courses, excursions and exhibitions. (D) 
Kirchliche Museen gives information about diocesal museums and treasuries in several European countries. With short descriptions of the collections of more than 90 museums, opening hours, exhibitions and links to the websites. (D)
Kultur EKD, the arts and culture website of the Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (Lutheran Church). (D)
Kunstdienst Dresden. Visual formation, exhibitions in churches and advice for the Lutheran congregations in Sachsen as to paintings, sculpture, graphic art, paraments and church decoration. (D)
Kunstforum Matthäus, Hamburg, offers a program of lectures, courses, excursions and art trips led by highly qualified art historians. Founded in 1973 by art historian and theologian Professor Dr. Christian Tümpel as an academy for the church. Wants to explore the art of the art centres of the world with people who want to experience art with an open eye. (D)
Kunstinfo, Hannover.Art and culture website of the Evangelisch-Lutherischen Landeskirche Hannover. (D)
Das Rad, München. Christian organisation for professional artists in all forms of art, founded in 1979 after the example of the Arts Centre Group in the UK. (D) 
Stiftung Christliche Kunst Wittenberg. Exhibits 20th-century art with biblical and religious themes. Mainly German, expressionistic artists. (D, E)
Stiftung Bibel und Kultur wants to promote the Bible in the public domain. Each year the foundation gives a price to an artist who has made work with biblical themes or content, while bringing this in a new way to a broad public. Every two years a competition between youth and children is held to stimulate creative interaction with the Bible. (D)
Stiftung St. Matthäus, St. Matthäus -Kirche, Matthäikirchplatz, Berlin. Open on Tuesday – Sunday 12 a.m. – 6 p.m. Wants to encourage the engagement with contemporary art and the dialogue between artists, the church and theology. This is the art and culture foundation of the Lutheran church of Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz. The activities of the foundation take place especially at the St. Matthäus-Kirche and the Dom island in Brandenburg. Lectures and exhibitions. Every last Thursday of the month: Discussion of one work of art led by an art historian and a theologian. (D)
Universität Leipzig, Religiöse Bilder und Kunstgestaltung im Unterricht. A project to help students, teachers and pastors to use art and digital images in their teaching. On the website an archive of images, an exhibition of religious art, a course to improve images and some articles. (D) 
Verein Austellungshaus für christliche Kunst e.V., München. Aims to encourage art based on a Christian approach to life. Organises exhibitions and lectures etc. and helps with setting up exhibitions outside of Munich. (D) 
Verein für christliche Kunst im Erzbistum Köln und Bistum Aachen e.V. Engages itself for the preservation of old artworks in churches and encourages contemporary art in the church. Meetings, excursions and publications deal with old and new art. (D) 
Verein für christliche Kunst im Erzbistum Paderborn und in den Bistümern Erfurt, Fulda und Magdeburg e. V. (D) 
Kunst Kirche in Bayern aims to help congregations with matters of building and interior design, windows, sculptures etc. With art prize and symposia.
Verein für christliche Kunst in München e.V., Sendlinger Strasse 34, München. To promote old and new Christian art. Excursions, lectures, year book and art trips. (D)
Zukunft – Kirchen – Räume. Dieses Projekt wendet sich an Kirchen und Kirchengemeinden, Kommunalverwaltungen, Vereine und Initiativen, Planer und Investoren sowie alle anderen, die an der baulichen Anpassung oder Umnutzung von Kirchengebäuden beteiligt oder interessiert sind. Ihnen sollen durch das Projekt nützliche Informationen, Ansprechpersonen und eine Auswahl beispielhafter Projekte zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Außerdem erhalten sie Literaturhinweise und Hinweise zu bevorstehenden Fortbildungsangeboten. Ergänzt wird dieses Angebot durch den Projektaufruf Zukunftskonzept Kirchenräume. (D)
Deutsches Liturgisches Institut Trier. Catholic. (D)
Institut für Kirchenbau und kirchliche Kunst der Gegenwart, Philipps-Universität Marburg is a research institute of the Lutheran church that focuses on contemporary art and architecture, religion and aesthetics, church and art. It organises the Ev. Kirchbautage about church architecture and publishes together with the Institut für Kunstwissenschaft in Linz the journal Kunst und Kirche. (D) 
Kunstforum Matthäus, Hamburg, offers a program of lectures, courses, excursions and art trips led by highly qualified art historians. Founded in 1973 by art historian and theologian Professor Dr. Christian Tümpel as an academy for the church. Wants to explore the art of the art centres of the world with people who want to experience art with an open eye. (D) 
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Arbeitsstelle für Christliche Bildtheorie, theologische Ästhetik und Bilddidaktik (ACHRIBI). This Catholic institute focuses on theological reflection on the role art and images play in faith formation, the history of the church and western culture. (D)
Bildimpuls (D), each fortnight E-newsletter witha visual meditation andnews about exhibitions etc. (D) 
Institut für Kirchbau und kirchliche Kunst der Gegenwart Email Newsletter (D). (D)
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Gegenwartskunst und Kirche (Artheon) (D), published on the website. Wants to inform about current art in the intersection of contemporary art and the Church. (D)
Das Münster (D), Zeitschrift für christliche Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft. Published by Verlag Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Regensburg. Deals with old and contemporary art, with information about and discussions of Christian art. Wants to serve art historians, artists, art lovers, museums, educational institutions, students, theologians, architects, and those commissioning artworks. Interdisciplinary with articles from theological, aesthetic, philosophical and historical perspectives. (D)
tà katoptrizómena (D): OnlineMagazin für Kunst, Kultur, Theologie und Ästhetik. Editor-in-chief: Andreas Mertin. (D)
Galerie von Külmer, Inhaber Philipp von Külmer Blücherstr. 42 86165 Augsburg. Greek and Russian icons.
- Gallery: St. Matthäus-Kirche, in the Kulturforum am Matthäikirchplatz, Berlin. Open Tuesday to Sunday 12 a.m. – 6 p.m. The Stiftung Matthäus of the Evangelischen Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg sees it as its special mission to further the dialogue between the church, theology and the arts. In 1931 Bonhoeffer was confirmed as pastor in this church. With changing altar pieces by contemporary artists. (D)
- Jüdische Galerie, Oranienburger Str. 31, Berlin. Gallery with work by contemporary Jewish artists from East-Europe, Israel and Germany and older Jewish artists like Chagall and Liebermann. (D)
- Kunst-Station Sankt Peter, centre for contemporary art and music, Jabachstraße 1, Köln. Founded by the Jesuit priest Friedhelm Mennekes. Aiming to build a bridge between contemporary art and the church. (D)
- Kunstforum St. Clemens, Clemenskirche, Cologne-Mülheim, Mülheimer Ufer: several exhibitions a year. (D)
- Exhibitions in the Katholisches Forum im Land Thüringen (Catholic Forum in Thuringia), Akademie des Bistums Erfurt (Academy of the Diocese of Erfurt). (D)
- Gallery at the Pax-Christi-Gemeinde, Glockenspitz 265, Krefeld.
- Gallery of the DG, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für christliche Kunst, Finkenstraße 4, Munich. The DG is an independent cultural institution promoting contemporary art. It was founded in 1893, springing from the Catholic lay movement. The DG wants to be a forum for the dialogue between church and artists, theologians, philosophers and art lovers. Ecumenical. (D)
- Exhibitions in the Katholische Akademie in Bayern, Kardinal Wendel Haus, Mandlstraße 23, Munich. (D)
- KulturWertRaum, Senftlstr. 4, Munich, the space of Das RAD, a community of Christians in the arts, where expositions, lectures and other events take place. (D)
- Iconengalerie Mönius, Hinter der Grieb 3, Regensburg. Gallery with Russian, Greek and Balkan icons. (D)
Churches that organise exhibitions:
Aachen:Galerie Pfarrei St. Peter, (D)
Berlin: St. Matthäus-Kirche, (D)
Berlin: Kirche Am Hohenzollernplatz
Braunschweig: Dominikanerkloster
Cuxhaven: Petrikirche
Darmstadt: Johanneskirche
Dresden: Dreikönigskirche
Dresden: Kreuzkirche
Frankfurt/M.: Zentrum Verkündigung
Frankfurt: Kulturkirche Allerheiligen. (D)
Göttingen: Jacobikirche
Halle: St. Moritz-Kirche
Hanau: Johanneskirche
Hannover: Marktkirche
Kassel: Brüderkirche
Lübeck: St. Petri
Mainz: Auferstehungskirche
Marburg: Luth. Pfarrkirche St.Marien
Meissen: Dom
München: Basilika der Benediktinerabtei St. Bonifaz
Münster: Überwasserkirche
Stuttgart: Hospitalhof
Wittenberg: Stadtkirche
Worms: Bergkirche St. Peter  
- Dom Treasury, Klostergasse, Aachen, (D)
- Treasury of the Hl. Kapelle / Pilgrim- and regional museum, Kapellplatz 4b, Altötting.
- Pope Benedict XVI House. New Treasury and Pelgrimage Museum, Kapellplatz 4, Altötting.
- Jerusalem Panorama of the crucifixion of Christ, Gebhard-Fugel-Weg 10, Altötting.
- Stiftsmuseum with art from the Roman time till the Baroque. With exhibitions.
- Carthusian Museum Astheim. The museum tells about the history of the religious use of images. More than 600 artworks from the 14th – 19th century, also folk art.
- Diocesal Museum St. Afra with objects and art from the 6th - 20th century. Explains historical, theological and art-historical connections. With exhibitions. (D)
Bad Karlshafen:
- Deutsche Hugenotten-Museum. About the history of the Hugenotes in France and Germany. (D)
- Bamberg Diocese Museum, Domkapitelhaus, Bamberg.
- Dom Treasury St. Petri. Religious art from the late Middle Ages, liturgical objects, paintings, sculptures and devotional objects. With exhibitions.
- Huguenote Museum. Museum about the French Protestants in France. In a chronological order the history of the Protestants is told and shown through paintings, documents and artefacts.
- Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum. This small but unique museum is dedicated to the life and work of Berlin’s best-known woman painter Käthe Kollwitz (1967-1945). Käthe Kollwitz is known above all for her haunting Expressionist character studies and harrowing images of human torment. The collection consists of over 200 prints, lithographs, drawings, woodcuts and sculptures. (D, E, F)
- Emil Nolde Museum, Nolde Stiftung Seebüll Dependance Berlijn, Jägerstrasse 55, with changing exhibitions of Nolde’s work. (D, E, Dan)
Brandenburg an der Havel:
- Dom Museum Brandenburg. Extensive collection of robes, altars, books and sculptures from the 13th – 16th century. Also about the history of the diocese.
- Dom Museum. Art objects from the St. Petri Dom, sculptures, paintings, books. With exhibitions.
- Kolumba Art museum of the Archbishopric of Cologne, Roncalliplatz 2, Cologne. With works from Late Antiquity till now. Paintings and sculptures. With exhibitions. (D, E)
- Museum Schnütgen, one of the most important museums for medieval art in Europe. The basis of the collection Christian art from the 5th - 9th century was formed by the chaplain of the Dom Alexander Schnütgen (1843-1918). (D, E)
- Treasury of the Dom, Domkloster 4, Cologne. Reliquaries, liturgical objects and robes from the 4th – 20th century, manuscripts and medieval sculptures. (D)
- Käthe Kollwitz Museum, Neumarkt 14-18, Neumarkt Passage. After more than 20 years of enthusiastic collecting, the museum's exhibits now comprise 270 drawings, about 500 prints, and all her posters and sculptures. Among the drawings - a focal point of the collection - there are some of her most impressive works, many from her later phase when she was predominantly preoccupied with the theme of death. (D, E, F)
- Dom Treasure and Diocesal Museum. With paintings and sculptures from the late Middle Ages to the Baroque, golden objects from the 12th – 20th century, religious folk art. With exhibitions. (D)
- Johannes A Lasco Bibliothek, Grosse Kirche Emden, Kirchstrasse 22, with small museum with painting and portraits and information about the history of the Reformed church. (D)
- Treasury at the St. Martini Kirche.
- Dom Treasure Essen. More than 100 liturgical objects and artworks from the 9th – 18th century. Also goldsmith work. With exhibitions. (D)
- Treasury of the congregation of St. Ludgerus. Around 90 artworks, Early Christian - the 19th century. Especially medieval art.
- Dom Museum. Liturgical robes and goldsmith objects from the 14th – 20th century. With exhibitions. (D)
Freiburg im Breisgau:
- Augustinian Museum, Gerberau 15, Freiburg im Breisgau.
- Diocesal Museum. Focus on art and history in relationship to society, science and religion. (D)
- Dom Treasure and Museum of the St. Petri Dom, Dr.-Jestädt-Platz 11, Fritzlar.
- Dom Museum. About St. Boniface and his work. Christian medieval art, liturgical objects. (D)
- Birthplace of Friedrich with a Caspar David Friedrich Centre.
- Museum with Gertrude Chapel, studio, exhibition space and print room with works by Barlach of the Ernst Barlach Stiftung Güstrow.
- Dom Treasure. Christian art from the 9th – 16th century, robes, goldsmith objects, ivory, manuscripts and paintings.
- The Barlach Museum in the Jenisch park.
- Monastery Museum (Klosterkammer), Eichstraße 4, Hannover.
- Art collection of the Ev. Lutheran Landeskirche of Hannover. Materials about in this church province executed cycles about the apocalypse, the Old and New Testaments, Genesis etc. With exhibitions.
- Museum for Sacred Art and Liturgy, Mozartstraße 33, Heidelberg.
- Diocesal Museum, Domhof 4, Hildesheim. (D)
- Museum of the Episcopal Generalvikariat, Domhof 18-21, Hildesheim.
- Monastery Museum Jerichow. About brick architecture, cultural history and medieval artworks. With exhibitions.
- Museum für Niederrheinische Sakralkunst in the Paterskirche.
- German Textiles Museum, Andreasmarkt 8, Krefeld, also with liturgical robes.
- Monastery Museum Dormitorium Asbeck, Stiftsstrasse 20, part of the 12th-century monastery. With vestments, sculptures, liturgical objects, books. Also exhibitions of contemporary art. (D)
- Staurothek, Dom Treasure and Diocese Museum. The most important art collection between Cologne and Frankfurt. Christian artworks from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. Also Hans Holbein. Paintings, reliquaries and liturgical objects. With exhibitions. (D)
- St. Annen-Museum with sacred art of the Middle Ages. The museum has the largest collection of retables in Germany.
- Landeskirchliches Museum, Friedenskriche, Stuttgarterstr. 42, Ludwigsburg.
- Museum of the Evangelische (Lutheran) church province Saxony.
- Episcopal Dom and Diocese Museum. Paintings and sculpture from the 14th – 20th century, Ottonian manuscripts, medieval goldsmith work. With exhibitions. (D)
- Museum Draiflessen, Georgstr. 18, Mettingen. Museum with medieval manuscripts and miniatures, books from the period after 1500 and 15th - 17th-century prints and drawings.
- Dom Treasury, Kleiner Domhof 300, Minden.
- Art-historical collection of the bishopric Aachen. Works from the 20th century.
- Minster Treasury, St. Mariä Himmelfahrt, Abteistraße 37, Mönchengladbach.
- Dom Museum of the St. Paul Cathedral. Artworks from the Carolingian period – 20th century. Liturgical objects. Treasury of international stature. Paintings, sculptures, reliquaries, robes.
- Albrecht Dürer House. (D)
- Treasury of the Dom and Diocesal Museum, Domhof 12, Osnabrück. (D)
- Monastery Museum Ottobeuren. Artworks from the Gothic – Baroque periods. With a Baroque library, an abbey chapel from 1724, a theatre from 1725 and the special Emperor’s Hall from 1725. With exhibitions.
- Diocesal Museum of the Archbishopric and Treasury of the Dom. Large museum with Christian art from the 10th – 20th century, paintings, sculptures, paraments and goldsmith work. With exhibitions. (D, E, F)
- Dom Treasure and Diocesal Museum.
- Museum at the monastery church St. Servatius, Schlossberg 9, Quedlinburg.
- Icon Museum Recklinghausen, Kirchplatz 2a, Recklinghausen. (D)
- Diocesal Museum St. Ulrich. With Gothic sculpture and a graphical collection from the 16th century – now. With exhibitions.
- Dom Treasure Museum with 16th-century frescoes and goldsmith work and paraments from the 11th – 20th century. With exhibitions. (D)
- Museum Bentlage Monastery, Bentlager Weg 130, Rheine: About the cultural and artistic history of Westfalen from the Middle Ages till now, with artworks and documents from the monastery and the castle. Reliquaries, sculptures by Heinrich Brabender of ca.1500. (D)
- Diocesal Museum, Karmeliterstr. 9, Rottenburg.
- Museum in the Grafschaft monastery.
- Close to Denmark in Seebüll there is a museum devoted to the Catholic expressionistic artist Emil Nolde. This was the house he designed himself and lived and worked in from 1927 till his death. (D, E, Dan)
- Treasury of the Catholic parish church St. Servatius, Mühlenstr. 6, Siegburg.
- RELíGIO - Westfälisches Museum für religiöse Kultur, Herrenstraße 1-2, Telgte.
- Episcopal Museum, Windstraße 6-8, Trier. (D)
- Carthusian Museum. About the life of the Carthusian monks and with religious art from this area from 1945. the painter Karl Clobes worked here. Beside his paintings work is shown by Lothar Forster, Björn Hauschild, Curd Lessig, Otto Sonnleitner, Polykarp Uehlein, Helmut Weber, Franz Wilz and Jürgen Wolf.
- Barlach House. The house in which Ernst Barlach was born is now a museum with good information about the artist.
- Stiftung Christliche Kunst Wittenberg, Altes Rathaus, Markt 26, Wittenberg. Exhibits 20th-century art with biblical and religious themes. Mainly German, expressionistic artists. (D, E)
- The Georg-Meistermann-Museum. With paintings, graphic works, drawings and designs for windows by Georg Meistermann, who was one of the most important glass artists of the 20th century. He created more than 1000 windows in ca. 250 churches and other buildings all over Europe.
- Bibelmuseum Wuppertal, Museum for biblical history, Wolkenburg 106. (D)
- Dom Treasure. With liturgical objects.
- Museum at the Dom. With artworks of the 10th – 21st century, with a focus on the 16th and 20th centuries. Also contemporary art. With exhibitions. (D)
- Museum of the monastery of Xanten. With art from the 6th - 19th century. Paraments, reliquaries, sculpture and graphic work. With exhibitions.