
Quality is the first norm for art, but its final norm is love and truth, the enriching of human life, the deepening of our vision.

Travel Tips



- The Catholic Church’s Treasury (of the Hungarian Catholic Church).
- The Reformed Church Museum (of the Hungarian Reformatus Church).
- Beautifully located are the monasteries of Moldavia and Boekovina of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The architecture as well as the paintings mingle stylistic elements from East and West.
- Museum at the National Office of the German Lutheran Church, Gen. Magheru 4, Sibiu.     
The Zosim Oancea Museum. Across the cemetery from the town’s 18th-century church stands a modest, modern, two-story building, exhibiting an extraordinary collection of icons painted on glass panels. The founder of this unique museum was Father Zosim Oancea, a Romanian Orthodox priest who spent 15 years in Communist prisons, before he was exiled to this remote parish in 1964. Father Zosim asked villagers to donate their glass icons to the church to preserve and promote this long-neglected form of Romanian peasant art. When this visionary priest died in 2005, the world-class collection of glass icons numbered over 600 pieces. It has helped foster a revival in Romanian glass icon-making. 
Diocesal Museum Muzeul Diocezei Rom.-Cat. of the German Catholic Church, Rodnei 4, Timisoara-Cetate.