
John Espin

John Espin and Tim Harrold have known each other since 1980 when the former was employed and the latter was a student on the Art Foundation Course at Thurrock Technical ollege. In 1987 they became colleagues, but it wasn’t until 2010 that they both began exhibiting their work. In 2013 they both took studios at High House in Purfleet in Thurrock. In 2014 they collaborated on a work for the first time, commissioned by the Essex Network of Artists’ Studios (ENAS).John Espin originally hails from Rossington near Doncaster in South Yorkshire, England. He attended ThurrockCollege and graduated from Maidstone College of Art where he was tutored by Roland Piché and Anthony Gormley. He achieved a Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Sculpture/Fine Art. He worked at various studios in the South Essex area and in Art Education for 30 years. He is now retired from education but continues to produce art work at the High House Artists’ Studios.

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