
Jeltje Hoogenkamp

Jeltje Hoogenkamp (1946) studied painting and graphical arts at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She is interested in narrative sequences and thematic series. Subjects like fences of concentration camps, biblical stories, exodus, quails and manna, landscapes, clothes, paradise, eggs and birds, and mother and child are recurring in her work on a regular basis. Poems are a source of inspiration as well. Explicit and implicit allusions to the stories and symbols of the Christian faith play an important role. Jeltje Hoogenkamp’s work is meditative and she uses warm colours. There is room between the lines in her paintings, a space that viewers are free to fill in for themselves. She has also designed book covers and posters. Sets of cards of her work are available.

POsts about THIS Artist

Jeltje Hoogenkamp: Resurrection

Jeltje Hoogenkamp: <em>Ground</em>

Jeltje Hoogenkamp