
Hal Moran

Hal Moran is a life-long resident of the St. Louis, Missouri area and now lives with his wife, Kathleen, in the suburb of St. Charles. Married for 30 years they have one daughter, who is married, and one granddaughter. Although Hal has taken numerous courses in photography, he is primarily self-taught. Having grown up with Tourette Syndrome and dyslexia, visual communication was of great importance to Hal in how he processed information educationally and spiritually. In his early adult years photography became his medium of choice in expressing his biblical worldview. Hal's primary focus and passion is encouraging others by capturing the gospel narrative in the natural world through photography. He also conducts workshops and seminars. Hal has exhibited both nationally and internationally, and his artwork is widely held privately. As a film-based photographer, Hal digitizes his images for printing with archival inks and paper in order to maintain the original capture.

POsts about THIS Artist

Hal Moran: Who is Greater