Gian Casty (1914-1979) grew up as the son of a mountain farmer in the Canton Graubünden in Switzerland. At school a passion for painting awoke in him. In 1933 he moved to Basel. In 1946 a competition was announced for new stained-glass windows in the Basel Minster. The interest of many glass artists was aroused, that of Casty as well, who soon became the most important glass painter inSwitzerland. Characteristic for his style is the use of intensively coloured glass and a sophisticated breaking of the light by ‘schwarzlot’ (patina), which he applied to both sides of the glass. Hence one of the books dedicated to him bore the title Aus dem Dunkeln leuchten (To Shine out of Darkness). Casty created glass for public buildings and about 20 churches. Besides that he made around 300 works of stained glass. Switzerland gave a window by Casty to Pope Paul VI and created a postage stamp showing one of his windows.