
Deborah Sokolove

Deborah Sokolove is the Director of the Henry Luce III Center for the Arts and Religion at Wesley Theological Seminary (WTS), where she also teaches courses in art and worship. She received her BA and MFA from California State University at Los Angeles; a Master of Theological Studies degree from WTS; and the Ph.D. in Liturgical Studies from Drew University. Before coming to Wesley as Artist-in-Residence in 1994, she taught art, design and computer imaging at the university level. In recent years she has been a regular contributor to ARTS, the journal of the Society for Arts in Religious and Theological Studies, and her essays have appeared in several books on religion and the arts. Her work has been shown locally and nationally and is represented in numerous collections. Her recent book, Sanctifying Art (Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2013) invites artists, theologians, and the church at large into a conversation about art, beauty and the need of the world. See more of her work at

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