
Barbara Sartorius Bjelland

Barbara Sartorius Bjelland (b. 1964) is an American artist, author and ordained minister. She began drawing at an early age and spent part of her childhood in Mexico. Her work incorporates the sense of a mysterious unseen world infusing our own, using movement, light, colour and imagination. Barbara has degrees in Ancient History (University of Minnesota), Faith Formation (Seattle Pacific Seminary) and Theology (Regent College, Vancouver, BC), and studied Studio Art at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She has received multiple grants and exhibited her work widely. She delights to combine visual art with her work as an ordained minister and author, and to create resources for the church. Since publishing an intergenerational, multicultural illustrated book on Communion entitled: Supper with the Savior: Communion in the Bible and Today (Regent College, 2012), a sacramental worldview has been the focus of much of her research and writing, artwork and public speaking.; blog:

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